
Milltown Golf Club

This page will automatically refresh when a competition opens for signup
Upcoming CompetitionsDate InBooking Options
TY Inter-Club Friday 7th March36 daysSignup Not Yet Open
(Signup Opens at 9:30 am on 13/02/2025)
Bank Holiday - Team of 4 - SEMI - Open Monday 17th March46 daysSignup Not Yet Open
(Signup Opens at 9:30 am on 09/03/2025)
Bank Holiday - Team of 4 - SEMI-Open Monday 31st March60 days 
Intermediate Winter League and 9 & Dine 20.04 Saturday 19th April79 daysSignup Not Yet Open
(Signup Opens at 9:30 am on 08/04/2025)
Intermediate Winter League and 9 & Dine 20.04 Saturday 19th April79 daysSignup Not Yet Open
(Signup Opens at 9:30 am on 08/04/2025)
Intermediate Winter League and 9 & Dine 20.04 Saturday 19th April79 daysSignup Not Yet Open
(Signup Opens at 9:30 am on 08/04/2025)
Semi-Open Back 9 Singles Stableford - Opt-In 24.04 Wednesday 23rd April83 days 
Semi-Open Front 9 Singles Stableford - Opt-In 24.04 Wednesday 23rd April83 days 
9 & Dine - Front 9 - New Members Welcome Event Wednesday 23rd April83 daysSignup Not Yet Open
(Signup Opens at 12:00 am on 15/04/2025)
9 & Dine - Front 9 - New Members Welcome Event Wednesday 23rd April83 daysSignup Not Yet Open
(Signup Opens at 12:00 am on 15/04/2025)
Semi-Open Front 9 Singles Stableford - Opt-In 24.04 Wednesday 23rd April83 days 
Semi-Open Back 9 Singles Stableford - Opt-In 24.04 Wednesday 23rd April83 days 
9 & Dine - Front 9 - New Members Welcome Event Wednesday 23rd April83 daysSignup Not Yet Open
(Signup Opens at 12:00 am on 15/04/2025)
Semi-Open Front 9 Singles Stableford - Opt-In 24.04 Wednesday 23rd April83 days 
Semi-Open Back 9 Singles Stableford - Opt-In 24.04 Wednesday 23rd April83 days 

Previous Opens

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