
Milltown Golf Club

This page will automatically refresh when a competition opens for signup
Upcoming CompetitionsDate InBooking Options
Team of 4 - Ladies & Artisans Sunday 22nd September2 daysOnline Signup
(Signup Closes at 11:00 am on 22/09/2024)
Team of 4 - Back 9 Semi-Open 25.09 Wednesday 25th September5 daysOnline Signup
(Signup Closes at 4:30 pm on 25/09/2024)
Ladies Team of 4 - Semi-Open Shotgun Thursday 26th September6 daysOnline Signup
(Signup Closes at 9:30 am on 26/09/2024)
House Members Front 9 - Shotgun start at 4pm Monday 7th October17 daysSignup Not Yet Open
(Signup Opens at 9:30 am on 30/09/2024)
Team of 4 - Semi Open Shotgun - Front 9 Monday 28th October38 daysSignup Not Yet Open
(Signup Opens at 9:30 am on 20/10/2024)
Team of 4 - Semi Open Shotgun - Back 9 Monday 28th October38 days 
Leinster Ladies Alliance President's Prize Monday 11th November52 days 

Previous Opens

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